Most recent resources are displayed first.
A well-formatted source sheet with questions and stories about the recitation of the Shema.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet, Story
A well-formatted collection of texts and discussion questions about the Asher Yatzar blessing.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet, Story
A well-formatted collection of texts and discussion questions about the Yerushalayim blessing of the Amidah.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet, Story
A well-formatted collection of texts and discussion questions about the Retzei/Avodah blessing of the Amidah.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet, Story
A well-formatted collection of texts and discussion questions about the Please Sprout the Plant of David/Et Semach David blessing of the Amidah.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet, Story
A tefilah course/series where students research and deliver a TED-style Tefilah Talk.
Contributor: Dr. Seth Korelitz
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
A mindfulness meditation that focuses on 'shema' - listening. This resource was kindly shared by the Foundation for Jewish Camps.
Contributor: Foundation for Jewish Camps
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Part 3 of 3 workbooks on prayer focused on skills building, meaning making, and includes stories.
Contributor: Torah Aura Productions
Grade(s): 3-5
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Story
Part 2 of 3 workbooks on prayer focused on skills building, meaning making, and includes stories.
Contributor: Torah Aura Productions
Grade(s): 3-5
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Story
Part 2 of 3 workbooks on prayer focused on skills building, meaning making, and includes stories.
Contributor: Torah Aura Productions
Grade(s): 3-5
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Story
Part of a workbook containing skills learning and stories about Barchu.
Contributor: Torah Aura Productions
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Story
A two-part lesson exploring the ideas and motivations behind liturgical changes in the Reform prayer book both historically and currently.
Contributor: Julia Ullman
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
A symbolic/semiotic study guide for the first line of the Shema.
Contributor: David Barany
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, K-2
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Taken from the teacher training chapter of our Reimagining Tefilah Education: Guidelines for Schools this lesson/source sheet explores the tensions of keva (fixed structure) versus kavannah (spontaneity) in prayer.
Contributor: Dr Susan Wall and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet
Taken from the teacher training chapter of our Reimagining Tefilah Education: Guidelines for Schools this session contains different activities that get students to reflect on their own prayer experiences.
Contributor: Dr Susan Wall and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
A meditation technique to slow down and focus while saying ashrei.
Contributor: Aviva Golbert
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
This well laid out Amidah guide contains the Hebrew, translation, and commentary that can be used both as a planning resource for educators or used by students.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet
A collection of sources and discussion questions about why Jews pray toward Jerusalem.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet
An activity that focuses on praying for other people's needs.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
This activity uses visual images as a spring board for conversations on Tefilah.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
A well formatted collection of texts and discussion questions about the opening line of the Amidah.
Contributor: NCSY
Grade(s): 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet
A lesson plan focusing on the forth blessing of the amidah: Ata Chonen
Contributor: Dr. Saul Wachs
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
A lesson plan on color and beauty using the bracha said when seeing something beautiful - Shekacha Lo B’olamo
Contributor: Dr. Saul Wachs
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, K-2
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
A two part unit focussing students on the words and meanings found in Mah Tovu.
Contributor: Dr. Saul Wachs
Grade(s): 3-5, K-2
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
Handouts and materials for teaching the halachot (laws) and seder (order or structure) of tefilah.
Contributor: Rabbi Leib Zalesch
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
A visual map guiding the learner through the parts of shacharit, taking both a macro and micro view of the morning service.
Contributor: Rabbi Leib Zalesch
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
Explores praying as a community and life's blessings.
Contributor: Ariel Wolgel
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Explores the power of words.
Contributor: Ariel Wolgel
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Students explore their connection to God.
Contributor: Ariel Wolgel
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Uses Elohei Neshemah to connect students to Godliness
Contributor: Ariel Wolgel
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Focuses on Mah Tovu and how prayer space can affect our kavanah
Contributor: Ariel Wolgel
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Focuses on the meaning of the words, and how gratitude can shape our lives.
Contributor: Ariel Wolgel
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Three-lesson unit exploring the Amidah's bakashot (petitions).
Contributor: Luria Academy
Grade(s): 3-5
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
Sample from Siddur Sababa including Birkot HaShachar and the Amidah.
Contributor: Sara Stave Beckerman
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Students will understand that one way to encounter God is through God’s names.
Contributor: Susan Yammer
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Explores how prayer, similar to a field, needs careful cultivation.
Contributor: Tamara Frankel
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Lesson plan on Psalm 150 with multiple ways to make meaning of it.
Contributor: Tamara Frankel
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Study of birkat Asher Yatzar showing how the siddur relates to our own bodies and lives.
Contributor: Dr. Saul Wachs
Grade(s): 3-5
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
This resource explores the role and history of music, nusach, and chazzanut regarding tefilah.
Contributor: Rabbi Steven M. Brown, Ed.D.
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
This resource, through Rabbinics sources, looks at the relationships between structured and spontaneous prayer.
Contributor: Rabbi Steven M. Brown, Ed.D.
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet
Resource explaining what poetry is and its application in the siddur, with examples and activities.
Contributor: Rabbi Steven M. Brown, Ed.D.
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Focusing on why and how prayer can become a fixed part of our lives.
Contributor: Rabbi Steven M. Brown, Ed.D.
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Story
Explanation and activities exploring various reasons why a person may pray.
Contributor: Rabbi Steven M. Brown, Ed.D.
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Curriculum outlining an approach to reintroducing students to tefilah in an age-appropriate way.
Contributor: Rabbi Dr. Moshe Drelich
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan
Work packet on the Amidah in which students choose a chatimah/ending and reflect on its meaning.
Contributor: Cara Abrams-Simonton
Grade(s): 3-5
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students explore the Asher Yatzar brachah.
Contributor: Rosenfeld Community of Practice
Grade(s): 3-5, K-2
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
A lesson about understanding Birkot HaShachar through movement and how they apply to our lives.
Contributor: Rosenfeld Community of Practice
Grade(s): 3-5, K-2
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring motivations behind prayer.
Contributor: Ira Blum
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring the place of Israel in prayer.
Contributor: Ira Blum
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum about how to keep prayer fresh and alive.
Contributor: Ira Blum
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring the words, actions and feelings of prayer.
Contributor: Ira Blum
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring prayers through “mental editing,” “associative reverie” and “prayer beyond the words."
Contributor: Ira Blum
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
The second of Ira Blum's eight part Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring prayer as both a textual liturgical and emotional experience.
Contributor: Ira Blum
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring what constitutes a meaningful prayer and prayer experience.
Contributor: Ira Blum
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
A lesson plan exploring what we have to gain from creating moments of silence in our life.
Contributor: Dr. Seth Korelitz
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
A slideshow using the 100th day of school to focus on reciting 100 blessings a day.
Contributor: Lisa Richman
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
A slideshow of the first three brachot of the Amidah focusing on how God is both near and distant.
Contributor: Dr. Seth Korelitz
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Video/Visual
Explanations of the various names of God.
Contributor: Lev Metz
Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Three lessons on Mi Chamochah focusing on freedom, partnering with God in redemption, and singing.
Contributor: Behrman House
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8
Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Music
Finding God in the world and ourselves.
Contributor: Rabbi Betsy Forester
Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Reflects on praying and prayers as a lead-in to Tachanun.
Contributor: Rabbi Betsy Forester
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Text background of Kaddish with an explanation of different types of Kaddish.
Contributor: Rabbi Betsy Forester
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Explores the textual background of Kedushah, praying with angels and the lyrics of B'shem Hashem.
Contributor: Rabbi Betsy Forester
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan
Students understand the ideas of kevah and kavannah and incorporate those into their own prayer.
Contributor: Lev Metz
Grade(s): 6-8
Type of Resource: Lesson Plan