
Most recent resources are displayed first.

Everyday Mindfulness

A mindfulness meditation that focuses on 'shema' - listening. This resource was kindly shared by the Foundation for Jewish Camps.

Contributor: Foundation for Jewish Camps

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Amidah (S’fatai Tiftah Workbook)

Part 2 of 3 workbooks on prayer focused on skills building, meaning making, and includes stories.

Contributor: Torah Aura Productions

Grade(s): 3-5

Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Story

What is a Bracha? (S’fatai Tiftah Workbook)

Part 2 of 3 workbooks on prayer focused on skills building, meaning making, and includes stories.

Contributor: Torah Aura Productions

Grade(s): 3-5

Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Story

Rav Kook on Tefilah

A sourcesheet on Rav Kook's thoughts concerning prayer as expressed in his book Olat Hareiyah.

Contributor: Rav Mike Feuer

Grade(s): 9-12

Type of Resource: Source Sheet

From Kavannah to Keva

Taken from the teacher training chapter of our Reimagining Tefilah Education: Guidelines for Schools this lesson/source sheet explores the tensions of keva (fixed structure) versus kavannah (spontaneity) in prayer.

Contributor: Dr Susan Wall and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet

Myself as Mitpalel, Pray-er

Taken from the teacher training chapter of our Reimagining Tefilah Education: Guidelines for Schools this session contains different activities that get students to reflect on their own prayer experiences.

Contributor: Dr Susan Wall and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Curriculum, Lesson Plan

Teen Guide to the Amidah

This well laid out Amidah guide contains the Hebrew, translation, and commentary that can be used both as a planning resource for educators or used by students.

Contributor: NCSY

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Source Sheet

Birkot HaShachar

Students explore their connection to God.

Contributor: Ariel Wolgel

Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Halleluyah and Psalm 150

Lesson plan on Psalm 150 with multiple ways to make meaning of it.

Contributor: Tamara Frankel

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Redifat Shalom in the Siddur

A link to sources about seeking peace found in the siddur

Contributor: Daniel Roth

Grade(s): 9-12

Type of Resource: Source Sheet

Teacher’s Guide to Tefilah and its Place In Our Lives Curriculum

Teacher's Guide to the 'Tefilah and Its Place In Our Lives' curriculum.

Contributor: Dr. Saundra Sterling Epstein

Grade(s): 9-12

Type of Resource: Curriculum

Traits of Empathy

Animated video (3 mins) of Brené Brown explaining the traits of empathy.

Contributor: Lisa Exler

Grade(s): 9-12

Type of Resource: Video/Visual

Shekakha Lo B’olamo

Music video of Sababa's 'Beauty of the World' that includes the blessing 'Baruch ata....shekakha lo b'olamo.'

Contributor: JewishLearning Matters

Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, K-2

Type of Resource: Video/Visual

Who are we Praying to?

Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring motivations behind prayer.

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

The Place of Israel in our Prayers and in our Praying

Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring the place of Israel in prayer.

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Applied Learning: Personalizing Praying Through Divrei Tefilah

Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum about how to keep prayer fresh and alive.

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Praying With Your Head, Hand and Heart

Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring the words, actions and feelings of prayer.

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Assessing How Prayer Content Knowledge Impacts Praying

Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring prayers through “mental editing,” “associative reverie” and “prayer beyond the words."

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Prayer and Praying: Assessing Inquiry

The second of Ira Blum's eight part Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring prayer as both a textual liturgical and emotional experience.

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Establishing a Shared Language

Part of Ira Blum's Moving from Prayer to Praying curriculum exploring what constitutes a meaningful prayer and prayer experience.

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Moving from Prayer to Praying

This learner-centered, inquiry-driven curriculum develops emotional awareness in Jewish prayer education.

Contributor: Ira Blum

Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Type of Resource: Curriculum

I and Thou

A slideshow of the first three brachot of the Amidah focusing on how God is both near and distant.

Contributor: Dr. Seth Korelitz

Grade(s): 6-8

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan, Video/Visual

Keva and Kevannah

A four-unit curriculum connecting liturgy (kevah) to prayer (kavannah).

Contributor: Lev Metz

Grade(s): 6-8

Type of Resource: Curriculum

Awe and Wonder

Finding God in the world and ourselves.

Contributor: Rabbi Betsy Forester

Grade(s): 3-5, 6-8

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan

Tachanun – Talking Back

Reflects on praying and prayers as a lead-in to Tachanun.

Contributor: Rabbi Betsy Forester

Grade(s): 6-8

Type of Resource: Lesson Plan